Teach Big Online Platform

Thank you for being interested in providing your students with a wealth of ELAR resources.

The Teach BIG Resources Demo is designed to give you highlights of our online platform. Our subscribers experience far beyond what is outlined in this Free Trial.

We are including instructional videos (from the student perspective and from the teacher perspective), a user manual, resources, and sample students.

This Free Trial will give you the opportunity to experience all of the student responses and various reports for the five sample students from the TEACHER VIEWPOINT. You can see how these students can be grouped by TEKS needs as well as a variety of additional reports. You will even be able to see where and what students highlighted within passages and which answer choices they eliminated!

A subscription will allow student use and accommodations to be in full force for all your students.

Please read the descriptions of the ABC levels to determine which subscription is best for you. We look forward to partnering with you to relieve the stress of finding TEKS-based passages and automatic grading capabilities. See you soon!